Sasha McNaney
Everyone has had the universal experience of dreading a workout. After a long day of work or school, running a mile or lifting weights is not the most appealing. But you decide to go to the gym anyway; and afterward, you feel an instant mood boost, why is that?
After a long day of school or work, most of us are often tired, unmotivated, and burnt out. As much as some of us may want to lay on the couch and watch our favorite show on Netflix, a trip to the gym will make us feel much better; it all starts in the brain.
Oftentimes when we exercise, our brain is stimulated. As a result of this, endorphins are released by the pituitary gland and the hypothalamus in our brains. Endorphins are neurotransmitters, natural hormones that are capable of lowering stress levels and improving mood and overall well-being. Endorphins are produced in various parts of our body including the brain and spinal cord previous to being released. Endorphins are often compared to analgesics because they can reduce the perception of pain and act as a sedative. This may all sound similar to the effects of drugs such as morphine, but, exercise does not have any of the harmful effects and addictions that come with drugs. This concept can be applied to what many call a “runners high” which is the euphoric and energizing many runners experience during exercise.
Not only can exercise improve your physical health but it can also have the following impact on your mental health:
reduction of stress
mood boost
improved self-esteem
better sleep
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Ted Health